Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Sriwijaya FC Pecat Ali Khadafi

Robert menyatakan, pihaknya siap menanggung konsekuensi dari pemecatan Khadafi.

Ali Khadafi - Pemain Tim Bontang FC (GOAL.com / Dhedhe D.)

Manajemen Sriwijaya FC kembali melakukan pemutusan kontrak terhadap pemain asing mereka. Dari empat pemain asing yang dimiliki, manajemen memutuskan untuk mendepak pemain asing asal Togo, yaitu Ali Khadafi, dengan surat bernomor, 19/PEMAIN/SFC/IX/2012.

Pemecatan terhadap Khadafi dilakukan setelah melalui rapat evaluasi yang dilakukan manajemen. Khadafi dinilai kurang memberikan kontribusi bagi tim selama ini, karena itulah Sriwijaya FC terpaksa melepas Khadafi.

“Kita sudah melakukan rapat evaluasi terakhir. Dari rapat ini, kami memutuskan untuk melepas Ali Khadafi. Kita harus memperkuat posisi yang selama ini menjadi titik lemah Sriwijaya FC, jadi dengan berat hati, kami harus mencari pengganti Khadafi,” ujar manajer Sriwijaya FC Robert Heri, Rabu (9/1),

Ditambahkan Robert, pihaknya siap menanggung konsekuensi dari pemecatan Khadafi ini sesuai dengan pasal yang tertuang dalam draft kontrak kerja, yang telah ditandatangani sebelumnya oleh manajemen dan sang pemain.

Menurut Robert, dengan dilepasnya Ali Khadafi, kini Sriwijaya FC mencari dua pemain asing untuk memenuhi kuota lima pemain asing, dengan komposisi satu pemain asing Asia dan satu pemain asing non-Asia.

Direktur keuangan PT Sriwijaya Optimis Mandiri Augie Bunyamin mengatakan saat ini untuk urusan mendatangkan dan melepas pemain, sudah menjadi tanggung jawab manajer Robert Heri dan asisten manajer Muchendi.

“Kalau kata Pak Robert, Ali Khadafi dilepas, ya berarti dilepas, karena sekarang untuk mendatangkan dan melepas pemain bisa ditanyakan langsung kepada Pak Robert selaku manajer,” ujar Augie. (gk-42)

Guillaume Hoarau Tinggalkan Paris St Germain

Striker Prancis Guillaume Hoarau memutuskan melanjutkan karirnya di Cina.

Ligue 1 : Guillaume Hoarau (Paris SG)

Guillaume Hoarau mengakhiri petualangannya di sepakbola Eropa dan bergabung dengan klub Cina Dalian Aerbin dari Paris St Germain.
Pemain berusia 28 tahun itu telah menandatangani kontrak tiga tahun bersama klub Liga Super Cina tersebut.

Hoarau memutuskan pindah setelah minim kesempatan tampil di klubnya PSG. Pelatih Carlo Ancelotti lebih memilih Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Kevin Gameiro dan Jeremy Menez untuk menjadi penyerang di lini depan PSG musim ini.

Hoarau sejauh ini hanya tampil di enam laga dengan jumlah menit mencapai 118, dengan kontribusi satu gol.

Manchester United Dapatkan Sponsor Dari Indonesia

United menjalin kerjasama dengan pabrikan ban yang berlokasi di Bekasi.

Old Trafford, home of Manchester United (Getty)

Manchester United coba menancapkan kukunya di Indonesia lebih dalam setelah mereka mengumumkan kerjasama dengan sebuah pabrikan ban, Multistrada.

Dalam sebuah keterangan menanggapi kerjasama ini, direktur komersial United Richard Arnold menyatakan: “Manchester United senang untuk menerima Multistrada sebagai mitra ban resmi di Indonesia,” ujar Arnold.

“Kami selalu mendapati dukungan besar di negara tersebut, dan sponsor kami sungguh penting untuk menghubungkan kami dengan fans di sana.”
Adapun, kerjasama United dan perusahaan ban yang berasal dari Bekasi itu berudrasi selama tiga setengah tahun.
I take the fall
The city lights don’t comfort me at all
Show me
Can you recall
What got me climbing up the walls
I'm out of patience
I'm still waiting on
A brand new break of dawn

O o oh
Now we're going underground
And my hands are shakin'
O o oh
I can’t believe we're going down 
I can hear the sirens sound
From way too far 
And I'm dying in your arms 
In your arms

If only
My thoughts were real
I could go back but time is standing still
In this scene
The frames show
I'm losing track and wait 'till there’s no
Heartbeat left
To take me back to you
To take me back to you

O o oh
Now we're going underground
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net]

And my hands are shakin'
O o oh
I can’t believe we're going down 
I can hear the sirens sound
From way too far 
And I'm dying in your arms 
In your arms

If only I could ever
Change what’s been done
Make it last forever
Oh it keeps me warm
I know that I could never
Stay in your arms

O o oh
Now we're going underground
And my hands are shakin'
O o oh
I can’t believe we're going down 
I can hear the sirens sound
O o oh
Now we're going underground
And my hands are shakin'
O o oh
I can’t believe we're going down 
I can hear the sirens sound
From way too far 
And I'm dying in your arms 
In your arms

Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know Lyrics

Genre: RockSongwriters: Kevin Baird, Matthew Halliday, Alexander Trimble
In a few weeks, I will get time
To realize it's right before my eyes
And I can take it
If it's what I want to do

I am leaving, this is starting
To feel like it's right before my eyes
And I can taste it
It's my sweet beginning

And I can tell just what you want, you don't want to be alone
You don't want to be alone, and I can't say it's what you know
But you've known it the whole time
Yeah, you've known it the whole time

Maybe next year I'll have no time
To think about the questions to address
Am I the one to
Try to stop the fire?

I wouldn't test you
I'm not the best you could have attained
Why try anything?
I will get there, just remember I know

And I can tell just what you want, you don't want to be alone
You don't want to be alone, and I can't say it's what you know
But you've known it the whole time
Yeah, you've known it the whole time

And I can tell just what you want, you don't want to be alone
You don't want to be alone, and I can't say it's what you know
But you've known it the whole time
Yeah, you've known it the whole time

Banjir Dekat Pintu Tol Jatiwarna Picu Macet Panjang di JORR


Jakarta - Kemacetan terjadi di Jalan tol Lingkar Luar Jakarta (JORR). Kemacetan disebabkan banjir di dekat pintu tol Jatiwarna akibat hujan yang terus mengguyur.

"Informasinya, jalan arteri di dekat pintu keluar Jatiwarna ke arah Pondok Gede banjir. Akibatnya berdampak ke dalam tol dengan antrean kendaraan panjang," kata petugas Jasa Marga, Agus, saat dihubungi detikcom pukul 20.15 WIB, Rabu (9/1/2013),
Belum diketahui lokasi persis banjir yang menggenang jalan arteri tersebut. "Laporan yang kami terima hanya informasi dekat pintu Jatiwarna. Sepertinya banjir di Sumir," sambungnya.

Salah satu pengendara yang terjebak macet adalah Rina, warga Jatiwarna. Dia sudah terjebak 1,5 jam di jalan tol. "Biasanya sampai rumah cuma 45 menit, sekarang sudah 1,5 jam belum keluar tol," ujarnya. Dia hanya bisa memacu kendaraan 5-10 km/jam, lalu stagnan kembali. 

Terowongan Raksasa DKI Bakal Pakai Teknologi Rusia atau Jepang

Jakarta - Proyek terowongan raksasa (deep tunnel) yang direncanakan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo (Jokowi) akan dikerjakan bersama dengan tim Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. Proyek ini kemungkinan akan mengadaptasi teknologi Jepang atau Rusia.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Dirjen Sumber Daya Air Muhammad Hasan usai mendampingi Menteri PU Djoko Kirmanto rapat dengan Jokowi di kantor Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta, Rabu (9/1/2013).

"Kemungkinan iya, tunneling-nya dari Jepang, Rusia ada," katanya.

Namun Hasan menegaskan, perlu dilakukan kajian yang lebih mendalam dan teliti. Pasalnya, kondisi banjir di Jepang jauh berbeda dengan apa yang ada di Indonesia.

"Kalau kualitas air banjir di Jepang itu beda, di sana bersih, di kita kotor ada sampah, lumpur, oleh karena itu harus hati-hati betul," katanya.

Nantinya, pengkajian ini akan dilakukan oleh tim dari Kementerian PU yakni Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air dan pemerintah daerah DKI Jakarta dalam hal ini Dinas PU Provinsi DKI.

"Nanti sama Ditjen SDA dengan Dinas PU DKI," katanya.

Meski demikian, Hasan belum dapat memastikan kapan pembangunan proyek ini dapat segera dilakukan. Menurutnya proyek ini dinilai cukup memakan biaya yang tinggi yakni sekitar Rp 22 triliun untuk 22 km.

"Memang kita nggak ada time frame-nya," pungkasnya.

Why Senior Gambling Exists?

In the United States, gambling is a prevalent activity. In 2002 alone, surveys show that almost 65% of the American population is hooked up with gambling.

In fact, there are professional analyzers that insist on their findings that there are more people who spend more money in gambling than they would do with the other nonsense items such video games, theme parks, and movie tickets, even if all of these things are combined all together.

Since then, there have been numerous reports about how gambling is penetrated in the society. There are still studies that lack evidence and conclusions about senior gambling.

These should pose an alarming case. This can be attributed to the recent survey done on almost 7,000 seniors, wherein, bingo had ranked as the second most-played gambling game by seniors.

Moreover, the number of senior people who are into gambling have increased from 20% in 1974 to 50% in 1988. These figures can be very alarming in spite of the long gap between 1974 and 1988. Also, this only goes to show that senior gambling is gradually but steadily growing in number.

Because most of the seniors have already gotten their “nest eggs,” they have more tendencies to get involved in gambling because of their money.

So, for people who want to know why senior gambling is so rampant these days, here’s a list of some facts that could be of great help.

1. Senior gambling is prevalent because of the fact that they do not have anything to do and that gambling is the only activity they find lucrative and at the same time gratifying.

2. Lack of attention and deteriorating opportunities made available for their social interaction, older people are more vulnerable to gambling these days. They find gambling as one way of escaping the hard realities of life that they could not bear. In turn, they gamble a lot so as to forget life’s problems.

3. Another reason why a lot of senior people are so much into gambling is that they have money, usually from their nest eggs or retirement funds. The more money they have, the more chances of gambling more.

4. In reality, senior gambling does not delve more on winning but more on the entertainment and satisfaction that they get whenever senior people gamble.

5. More privileges are available for senior gamblers, thus, seniors find it more convenient and more pleasurable to play gambling.

Baby Bedding Challenge

Having a baby is the most wonderful experience a woman can have as it is a fulfillment of the biological function of the female species. After the giving birth process, the real work begins. Feeding bottles, diaper changes, immunization records are just a few of the things the new mom have to learn quickly. And one important thing to consider in the arrival of the baby is the kind of baby bedding he or she will use. According to Dr. Mark Brandenburg (http://www.baby-place.com/crib_safety.html), the number one rule to follow in choosing the right baby bedding for your precious infant is safety. The second rule says safety and the third rule emphasizes safety. We are to conclude that it is not enough to say it, it must be emphasized that baby bedding is critical for the comfort of the baby.

In his article on how to find the perfect baby bedding, it must be neither too hard nor too soft. In the past, sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS was attributed to very soft baby bedding. This happened when the baby's mattress is too soft that his nose and mouth gets covered and the air he exhales is the air he breathes. This is dangerous for him since he would breath carbon dioxide rather than oxygen and the effects could lead to drowsiness, coma or even death.

There are a lot of styles and makes in choosing the baby's bed. And with that, it follows that the baby bedding must be a perfect fit with the chosen equipment. The three major selections are: a bassinet, a crib or a cradle. What differentiates one from the other? A bassinet is an oblong-shaped basket that serves as a bed for an infant. But sometimes, round bassinets are also available. A crib is a bed that is flanked with high side bars for a baby or young child's safety. Cribs are usually more economical since the baby can use it from infancy to two years. While a cradle is a small low bed that an infant uses that has rockers on its stand. In all these, the material used to make the equipment should alert and signal to the mom how much safety precautions are needed.

Bassinets are usually lacey and full of trimmings. The baby bedding must fit the bassinet so that the baby's space is enough for him or her to be able to roll from side to side. The crib is usually square, thus, mattresses can be fitted to the size of the crib. The baby bedding usually is a set of coverlet and small pillows. Hotdog pillows can also be placed inside. However, the pillows should not be more than two or three lest the baby can stand on them and could fall over. The cradle can come in various sizes and shapes. Some moms prefer cradles so that when the baby is cranky, he or she can be rocked to be calmed down. The baby bedding for a cradle should follow the shape of it. Not much can be placed inside it since it is used mainly to rock the baby to sleep. However, one need not the three to keep the baby safe, warm and secure. One will do and this would depend on the parent's preference. The most preferred would be the crib since it can be used for a long time.

Now that we've covered the basic equipment, how do we furnish it with baby bedding? We have already established that the baby bedding should fit the sleeping equipment to avoid accidents and other untoward incidents. The most suitable material to use is cotton as it is absorbent and cool to the baby's skin. Different designs must be used to stimulate the baby's color and pattern recognition. Therefore, the baby bedding is a crucial factor in keeping the baby happy and healthy.

When Luck Matters in a Gambling Business

For over a quarter of a century now, gambling has dominated as an industry. More and more people do not just see this as a form of recreational activity but as a lucrative business opportunity as well.

Nowadays, there are almost 445 casinos in the United States and still growing more. No wonder why many business people are opting to start a gambling business of their own because it seems to be the in-thing today. And wherever trends come, business-minded people would surely dominate the scene.

However, like any businesses, operating a gambling business also entails careful management and makes use of strategic methods so as to increase the business’ money-earning potential.

Luck or Skill?

Most people say that operating a business needs dogged determination, skills in all aspects of the business, and luck.

Hence, it applies the same thing in gambling business. But where gambling mostly relies in the stroke of luck, gambling business owners should not do so. This is because operating a business, in whatever form, should not merely rely on luck but on one’s skills and determination.

Indeed, businesses also have the risk of losing or winning in the end, just like gambling. But nevertheless, it still needs the proper management and operative measures so as to have a successful gambling business.

Things to consider

Just like any kind of business, running a gambling business also entails money. A person can never continue running a gambling business if it no longer has money.

People should keep in mind that running a gambling business is not a “get-rich-quick_ scheme. Therefore, things that will be employed should be in conformity with the law.

It also needs good planning. Of course, there is nothing in this world that will be successful if not with good planning. Planning keeps the business right on track. It gives the owner a special guide in order to make decisions properly.

Moreover, dogged determination is required. Surveys show that almost 65% of the businesses, which were not able to succeed, had instantly given up their businesses just because of some trials.

And lastly, good accounting skill is needed in order to run a gambling game. After all, gambling entails lots of money, so it is just proper to keep track of whatever comes in and out of the business.

The bottom line here is that running a gambling business, like any other business, is not an easy job. What’s more, it needs a good combination of everything so as to get the business going, whether it includes luck or not.

Baby Gift Basket Ideas

Planning to host a baby shower? Or a friend of yours recently gave birth to a healthy bouncing baby? How else could you express that you care for that friend of yours and her baby? A baby gift basket could be the best present that would express your concern.

A baby gift basket is one of those themed gift baskets that are presented containing items that are of value to the recipient. Oftentimes these baby gift baskets contain the following items that will surely give delight to the new parents and to the new addition. You could make use of this information to create or stuff your own baby gift basket that will rid you of those more expensive commercialized kinds.

Nursery room items. These include colorful mobiles to keep the baby busy, lullaby music to soothe the infant, and nursery rhymes CD's. Bigger items like layettes, changing mats for tables and cribs, and other furniture for the baby may be found in de luxe baby gift baskets. Educational toys are also good to make the baby gift basket more beneficial in stimulating the baby's mental development.

Toys R Us. The following toys are also nice to place inside your baby gift basket. Rattles, pacifiers, teethers, feeding bottles, infant cups, bibs and spoons are also useful add-ons in your baby gift basket.

Bath Bath Baby. Bath products for babies are also commonly found in baby gift baskets. These include baby shampoo, baby powder, baby towels, wipes, bubble bath, brush set and tub toys that the baby will surely enjoy in the near future. Baby clothing's could also be considered as one of the best baby gift basket goodies that one could ever give. Just be sure that the clothes you'll give suit the gender of the baby.

If you are to a baby gift basket to someone with a toddler or a young kid, the items should also suit the baby's age. Soft toys, board books, board games, piggy banks will certainly win the jump with delight of a toddler. Clothes for toddlers are also nice to include in your baby gift basket.

If one is intending to give the baby gift basket as a baby shower present, it will be nice if baby cookies, baby cakes, jelly beans and other baby foods will be found there. Announcement and invitation cards may also bring some added surprise to the recipient of the basket. Small picture frames and albums could also add more fun to your baby gift basket. Surely, this sweet gesture will be appreciated.

Gourmet food, wines and other fine food may also be placed inside a baby gift basket for the parent's celebration.

Oftentimes, bows and ruffles adorn the baby gift basket. But one could still be more creative by doing a decoupage of baby pictures or baby items. Other handmade crafts may add personal touch to your basket. They could be in the form of papier mache', origami, sculpture, small painting, woven or knitted items, etc.

If the one giving the baby gift basket intends to give it during a christening celebration or baptism, a small bible, silver cups and any symbolic item that adheres to the theme of the celebration and that the recipient's religion appreciates may also be placed in the basket.

A small gesture like giving out a well-thought of baby basket can surely go a long way. The recipient's smile is enough to mean a sincere "thank you".

Cabrillo National Monument

Located in San Diego California, the Cabrillo National

Monument provides a historic lighthouse with plenty

of activities. There are great views here as well,

with tidepools, flora and fauna, whales to watch,

and even military history.

The Monument offers hiking along designated trails,

bicycling on paved roadways, and swimming within the

park boundaries. Fishing is permitted here as well,

with hook and line - although only one fish may be

taken. When walking the trails and exploring, make

sure to be on the lookout for cliff areas, as they

can be very unstable.

A lot of visitors come to the National Monument to

enjoy the breathtaking views of the San Diego Bay and

the Pacific Ocean. Because of this very reason, the

park has become of the best harbor views anywhere in

California - or the world for that matter!

The tidepools are great to see here as well, although

you should always be careful. Even though they are

great to admire, the surface may be very slippery.

Anytime you are in the San Diego area, a trip to

the Cabrillo National Monument is more than worth the

time. You can walk the trails, have fun, or just

enjoy the breathtaking views of San Diego that only

the Cabrillo National Monument can provide you with.

Downtown San Diego Gaslamp Quarter

The Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego contains some of

the most extensive and dramatically designed

historic buildings in the area. Constructed between

1873 and 1930, these Victorian style buildings are

truly a sight to behold.

The Victorian era buildings found in the Gaslamp

Quarter are home to night clubs, restaurants,

theaters, and shops. A simple stroll down 4th

and 5th avenue will put you at the heart of the

Gaslamp Quarter.

Also found in the Gaslamp Quarter is the Horton

Plaza and Horton Plaza Park. The Plaza is the

first place in the United States to feature a water

fountain containing electric lights; a true

tribute to the designer Alonzo Horton.

The Gaslamp Quarter received its name from the

gaslamps that were used in the area around the early

1900's. During those times, gaslamps were the

main source of light for the area that is now

the vision of Modern Day San Diego.

Now days, there are more than 130 stores and shops

filling the Gaslamp Quarter. With everything from

Macy's to Mervyns, Gaslamp Quarter has plenty for

you to see and do. In Horton Plaza, you can find

a multi screen movie theater that is sure to please

movie lovers.

For a wonderful experience, the Gaslamp Quarter of

San Diego shouldn't be overlooked. There is a lot

you can do here, from fine dining to excellent

shops. For a family vacation, San Diego has a

little bit of something for everyone.

Little Italy San Diego

Little Italy in San Diego is rapidly evolving as an

inner city neighborhood that's perfect to live in,

shop, dine, or visit. The Little Italy offers great

views of the bay, art and cultural festivities, and

great food.

The nearby street sign for Little Italy, created in

1999, signals that the area is the heart and soul

of San Diego's inner community. The sign is truly

a signal of peace, and can be found on India Street

between Date and Fir.

Each and every year, there are nearly a dozen festivals

held in Little Italy. There are tons of holiday

celebrations, music, and art expo's. During this

time, Little Italy comes alive like never before.

The heart of Little Italy is India Street. This

street has plenty of outdoor cafes, restaurants,

galleries, and specialty shops. Nearby Amici Park

offers a playground for the Washington Elementary

School and a community park that's complete with

a bocce ball court.

Bigger than the Little Italy neighborhoods in New

York and San Francisco, San Diego's Little Italy

keeps getting bigger and better. The waterfront

district of San Diego is bouncing back with Little

Italy, proving to be a great place for tourist

La Jolla Caves

Along with the beaches La Jolla gives the San Diego

area, it also has some very nice caves. The caves

of La Jolla are great for tours, exploring, or

anyone wanting to see the best of La Jolla.

Carved into the sandstone cliffs of La Jolla, there

are seven caves. Most of the time, you can visit

any seven of these caves by sea kayak. Although

all but one are accessible by foot, you should be

very carefully when minus tides sweep the area.

The Sunny Jim Cave is one of the most popular and

well known caves of La Jolla. You can enter

through the Cave Store by paying a small fee. There

are 145 steep steps to get through the cave,

which is great for exploring and seeing the area.

The cave store can tell you many things about the

caves, including tours. If you plan to visit the

La Jolla area of San Diego, the caves can be a great

place to explore. Those of you who have kids coming

along for the trip, should remember to be very

careful - as the caves provide a lot of beauty -

they can also provide a lot of danger as well.

Maritime Museum San Diego

Since 1948, the Maritime Museum located in San Diego

has served the city in many big ways. The museum here

is dedicated to collecting and preserving the rich

maritime heritage and historic values of the city -

then presenting it to the public.

The biggest attraction to the museum is the historic

ships. Here, you'll find five great examples of

maritime vessels - Berkeley, Californian, Medea,

Pilot, and the Star of India.

All across the museum you can find many examples of

Naval technology and ships of the past. The guides

at the Maritime Museum are very friendly and helpful,

willing to answer any question that you may have.

Nearby to the museum, you have several attractions

and things to see. With the museum being in the

downtown area of San Diego, it's very close to some

of the other things that San Diego is so very well

known for.

If you happen to be on vacation in San Diego, make

sure you visit the Maritime Museum. Kids love to

see the ships on display, as well as the USS Midway

Aircraft Carrier Museum, which is a short walk from

Mission Bay San Diego

Mission Bay Park in San Diego is the largest facility

of its kind, offering over 4,600 acres with free

recreational activities for visitors. What was once

a sprawling swamp in the 1960's, was dredged and

transformed into what is now a great attraction to

the San Diego area.

Across the 27 miles of bayfront, water activities are

all over the place here. For beach lovers, there are

17 miles of oceanfront property, including Mission

Beach and Pacific Beach. There are separate areas

as well, for swimming, fishing, boating, and even

sailing. Mission Park also offers free events such

as volleyball, jetski, and many different types

of competitions and exhibitions.

For the children, Mission Bay Park offers a playground

area with plenty of other things to do as well.

Mission Park has always been an attraction, one

that keeps people coming back for more.

For those living in the area, Mission Bay in San

Diego provides plenty of things to do. The location

is great, with something always going on. If you

plan to visit San Diego in the near future - make

sure you drop by Mission Bay and see what makes this

area one of the best in the world.

Mission Beach San Diego

The area of Mission Beach is a stretch of the sandbar

along the Pacific Ocean. Through Mission Beach, the

main artery is Mission Boulevard. This Boulevard is

a popular place to go in the summer or winter, as

there are main shops and restaurants.

Near Mission Beach, you'll find attractions such as

Sea World and Belmont Park. Both amusement parks are

well known, and very popular. Within the two you'll

find rides such as the Giant Dipper Roller Coaster,

Chaos, Vertical Plunge, the Liberty Carousel, and

The Trampoline.

Mission Beach also gives you plenty of opportunities

to participate in volleyball, tanning, surfing,

skateboarding, and many other activities. There is

also a local skating club, Skate This, which performs

for free on the weekends with sick tricks and dancing.

Even though nudity isn't allowed on the beach, alcohol

still is. Thong bikinis aren't legal on the beach,

although lifeguards and security personal normally don't

make a big deal about it.

With plenty of shops and restaurants, Mission Beach

in San Diego is a great place to go. The beach is

very warm and offers a sandy environment. If you like

the beach with other perks to offer, Mission Beach is

one place you should check out.

San Diego At A Glance

Referred to as many as being the only area in the

United States with perfect weather, San Diego remains

the oldest port on the West Coast. Complete with a

well known Naval Base and a high level of tourism, this

breathtaking city continues to dominate the economy.

Aside from offering high mountains, deserts, and over

70 miles of the world's most renowned beaches, San Diego

also offers other great attractions such as Sea World,

the San Diego Zoo, and Wild Animal Park.

For art lovers, there are many different museums and

even the Shakespearean play at the Old Globe Theater.

Throw in the fact that San Diego has more championship

golf courses than any other area in the world, and you

have a city ready for anyone's imagination.

As a tourist city or a place to call home, San Diego is

one place you should at least visit. The night life here

rivals that of Las Vegas, giving you something for

everyone in the family. Young or old - San Diego is the

one city that you'll never find boring.

San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo, located in San Diego California is

one of the best zoo's in the United States. Serving

as one of the main reasons to visit San Diego, the

zoo houses nearly 4,000 animals. Also in the zoo, are

the infamous pandas, one of the main reasons as to why

the zoo is so popular.

Among the many animals you'll find here are the pandas,

giraffes, tigers, and basically any other animal that

you can think of. The animals themselves have plenty

of room to run and play, giving you all the space you

need to view them in their active environment and

best of all - while they are at their best.

Anytime you plan to visit San Diego, you should make

sure you visit the zoo. Kids simply adore the animals

here, while parents find them adorable. Even if you

have never been to a zoo before, the San Diego Zoo

can more than change your outlook.

Once you enter the zoo, you can check out the animals,

get some food, or just walk around. The park is

enormous in size, having everything you can basically

think of when it comes to animals. Once you visit, you

may find yourself hating time when it comes time to

San Diego Convention Center

On the Embarcadero in downtown San Diego, the

Convention Center provides the best of facilities

for trade shows, conventions, and even corporate

meetings or all sizes. For breaks and outdoor

events, there are landscaped terraces available

that overlook the bay.

The civic theatre in the Convention Center, offers

2,975 seats for meetings and formal assemblies. This

helps to make the Convention Center the biggest and

best equipped of all performing arts theaters in

San Diego.

With its great views of the water and city, the

Convention Center is also convenient to hotels,

shopping stores, and plenty of entertainment. Within

walking distance you also have the Gaslamp Quarter,

Horton Plaza, Petco Park, and Seaport Village.

Held here, are events such as the International

Auto Show, Boat Show, and many others. The San Diego

Convention Center is located at 202 C. Street, in

downtown San Diego.

Undergoing expansion in 2001, the center doubled

it's space. It now offers 500,000 square foot of

exhibit space, 90,000 square feet of multi-function

space, 72 meeting rooms, and now 90,000 square foot

of glass enclosed pavilion.

Those visiting the San Diego area or those who reside

here should check with the Convention Center to see

if there is anything going on. The Convention Center

is a great place to visit - especially if there is

something interesting going on.

Seaport Village San Diego

The Seaport Village of San Diego combines the best

of waterfront shopping, dining, and overall family

entertainment. While the Marina Park is here as

well, nearby is the small but popular San Diego

public park.

In Seaport Village you'll find 14 acres of pleasure

with more than 75 shops and galleries, restaurants,

and eateries on the sidewalk. Even though the area

is primarily targeted towards visitors, locals get

the best of the best with the restaurants and their

out of town company.

The San Diego Pier Cafe is also here, which is one of

the best known restaurants in the area. Located on

the bay, the cafe provides seafood with breathtaking


The Seaport village provides a great place to view

Coronado and the Coronado Bridge, as it overlooks the

harbor. Just a short stroll from the village, you have

the San Diego Convention Center, Petco Park, and

the Gaslamp Quarter.

Providing plenty to do and plenty of things to see

nearby, Seaport Village has it all going on. A visit

here is unlike any other, as the city of San Diego

will always have something unique to offer you and your

Torrey Pines State Preserve

Located at the Northwest end of San Diego, within

the city limits, Torrey Pines offers you over 2000

wild and natural acres. Along with the trees of

Torrey Pines, there's a visitor center, miles and

miles of trails, miles of beaches, and a lagoon

that's a vital area for seabirds.

The State Preserve of Torrey Pines not only preserves

the trees but the salt marshes and waterfowl refuges

as well. The Torrey Pines State Beach here stretches

nearly four miles, from Del Mar to the sandstone

cliffs of Torrey Pines Mesa.

Also found here is Blacks Beach, located at the

base of the 300 foot cliffs. The cliffs here offer

paragliding, remote control gliding, and even hang

gliding. At the north end of Blacks Beach, clothing

is optional. To be on the safe side, always read the

signs and follow the rules of the beach.

With plenty to offer, Torrey Pines State Preserve is

a great addition to the already vast area of San

Diego. You can visit here from San Diego, as it's

a short drive away. Torrey Pines has great beaches

and plenty of trails for you to see. As a family

trip, Torrey Pines is a great place to spend the

afternoon on your once in a lifetime vacation.

Cesc Fabregas: Keperkasaan Barcelona Akan Terus Berlanjut

Menurut eks gelandang The Gunners itu, peluang Barca untuk terus meraih kesuksesan di masa mendatang tetap terbuka lebar

 Cesc Fabregas

Cesc Fabregas percaya, Barcelona dapat terus melanjutkan kesuksesannya di masa mendatang jika mampu mempertahankan performanya saat ini.
Raksasa Catalan ini baru saja menang 4-0 atas Espanyol di La Liga, Minggu (6/1) lalu dan makin kokoh di puncak klasemen, dengan keunggulan 11 angka dari peringkat kedua Atletico Madrid.  
“Istirahat [musim dingin] cenderung dapat mempengaruhi irama tim, namun kami  tampaknya telah kembali dalam bentuk yang sama seperti bulan Desember lalu,” ungkapnya kepadaBarca TV.
“Jika tim terus seperti ini dan dengan motivasi yang kami punya, [keperkasaan] ini masih tetap akan berlanjut.”
“Tim masih memiliki banyak variasi taktik di lapangan dan itu sangat positif, karena dapat membingungkan tim lain. Lalu, kami memiliki skill individu untuk melakukan finishing,”pungkasnya.

Galatasaray Dalam Proses Negosiasi Dengan Wesley Sneijder

Jawara Liga Super Turki ini menginginkan jasa sang gelandang serang Nerazzurri.

Wesley Sneijder - Inter

Presiden Galatasaray Unal Aysal mengklaim klubnya telah melakukan pembicaraan untuk mendatangkan Wesley Sneijder dari FC Internazionale

Di musim ini, masa depan Sneijder menjadi tidak jelas setelah ia menolak untuk menandatangani kontrak baru bersama Nerazzurri sehingga ia tak pernah dimainkan Andrea Stramaccioni sejak akhir September lalu.

“Saya telah melakukan makan malam dengan [Presiden Inter] Massimo Moratti di Italia pada Senin lalu. Kami telah membicarakan tentang peluang bekerjasama dalam akademi sepakbola,” ungkap Aysal kepada GSTV.
“Topik Wesley Sneijder juga berada di dalam pembicaraan itu. Saya dapat mengatakan bahwa kami telah melakukan perkembangan positif untuk mendatangkan Sneijder.”
“Saya rasa hal ini akan semakin jelas dalam beberapa hari ke depan. Kami akan bernegosiasi dengan harga dan semoga kami dapat diskon. Jika mereka setuju dengan penawaran kami, maka kami tinggal melakukan finalisasi,” tuturnya.

Lothar Matthaus Kritik Pemilihan Tim All-Star FIFA

Eks pemain timnas Jerman ini tak terkesan dengan dominasi yang diperlihatkan para pemain La Liga di Tim All-Star versi FIFA.

Lothar Matthäus

Lothar Matthaus mengungkapkan ketidaksetujuannya dengan komposisi Tim All-Star FIFPro tahun 2012 yang baru saja dirilis FIFA dalam acara penghargaan Ballon D’Or di Zurich, Senin (7/1).
Beberapa pemain seperti Dani Alves dan Gerard Pique yang tak tampil mengesankan di tahun 2012, justru masuk dalam skuat tersebut. Sementara Andrea Pirlo dan Mats Hummels tak mendapatkan tempat meski mereka bermain baik sepanjang tahun lalu. Matthaus pun mengkritknya.
“Saya tidak dapat memahami bahwa Tim All-Star FIFPro hanya berisikan para pemain dari La Liga. Di barisan depan [dekat panggung penghargaan], ada beberapa orang yang menggelengkan kepala mereka,” ungkapnya kepada Focus.
Namun ia tetap setuju dengan suksesnya Lionel Messi meraih Ballon D’Or untuk yang keempat kali, “Kesuksesan Messi tentu saja dapat saya pahami.”

Thomas Muller: Bayern Munich Tim Kuat Eropa

Penyerang serbaguna FC Hollywood ini optimistis dengan peluang timnya di Liga Champions.

Germany: Bayern Munich, Thomas Mueller

Thomas Muller merasa Bayern Munich memiliki potensi untuk menjadi tim terbaik di Eropa. Ia juga menyebut pasukan Jupp Heynckes memiliki kedalaman skuat yang sangat baik.

“Tak banyak tim-tim di Eropa yang menjadi unggulan. Dan kami telah menunjukkannya [bahwa kami berada di sana],” ungkapnya dalam konferensi pers.

“[Di dalam skuat kami] terdapat kompetisi ketat karena kami memiliki banyak pemain hebat. Dan dengan kembalinya Arjen [Robben] dan Luiz [Gustavo], pelatih memiliki banyak kesempatan dan opsi untuk membangun skuat ini.”
“Kami harus melepaskan diri dari sisi individualisme dan tetap fokus pada kebersamaan. Kami akan memenangkan trofi sebagai sebuah tim,” tutup pemain berusia 23 tahun ini.

Tim Cahill Tidak Ke Sunderland

Tim Cahill tidak akan pindah ke Sunderland pada bulan ini.

Tim Cahill, New York Red Bulls, MLS
Pemain New York Red Bulls Tim Cahill, dikabarkan tidak akan merapat ke Sunderland pada
bursa transfer musim dingin kali ini.
Menurut laporan Daily Mail, berita seputar kepindahan pria asal Australia itu saat ini berstatus ‘off’.
Adapun, mantan pemain Everton itu sendiri tengah mempertimbangkan opsi lain, dan mungkin akan tetap bertahan di New York.Disamping itu, kubu The Black Cats saat ini tengah intens mendekati pemain lain, yakni Roland Juhasz dan juga Alfred N’Diaye.

Real Zaragoza Inginkan Alvaro Morata

Zaragoza ingin meminjam Morata untuk solusi lini depan mereka.

Alvaro Morata

Real Zaragoza telah membuat pendekatan untuk striker muda Real Madrid Alvaro Morata.
Dikabarkan tribalfootball, Zaragoza sendiri berniat untuk menambah opsi penyerangan mereka pada bulan ini dengan Morata yang dianggap sebagai solusi ideal.
Seperti diketahui, pemuda berusia 20 tahun itu tidak tampil banyak bagi Los Blancos, dan mungkin akan bergabung dengan Zaragoza secara pinjaman pada paruh kedua.
Di musim ini, Morata sukses mencetak satu gol dari lima kali penampilannya -- yang ditotal sejumlah 80 menit.

Jurgen Klopp Ogah Tiru Transfer Bayern Munich

Klopp menegaskan Dortmund tetap mempertahankan kebijakan merekrut pemain muda dibandingkan belanja gila-gilaan

Jurgen Klopp, Borussia Dortmund

Pelatih Borussia Dortmund Jurgen Klopp menegaskan, ia enggan meniru transfer yang dilakukan Bayern Munich, dan memilih untuk melanjutkan kebijakan mengembangkan pemain muda.
Dortmund sebelumnya disebut-sebut menjadi salah satu klub yang ingin menginginkan bintang Atletico Madrid Radamel Falcao. Namun Klopp menegaskan, manajemen klub tidak mempunyai uang untuk membeli pemain seperti Falcao.

“Saya membaca berita kami berencana membeli penyerang senilai €40 juta. Kami tidak akan melakukan itu. Kami akan melanjutkan kebijakan mengembangkan pemain muda, tapi tidak sama dengan cara transfer Bayern Muncih. Itu sudah pasti salah, karena Bayern punya kemampuan [finansial],” ujar Klopp dalam wawancaranya dengan Deutsche Presse Agentur.

“Bagi kami, itu tidak masuk akal, dan lebih nyaman memantau bagaimana seorang pemain berusia 19 tahun bisa memberikan dua gelar juara. Itu tidak terlalu sering terjadi.”

“Tentu saja kami ingin pemain seperti Radamel Falcao, tapi kami tak mampu membeli dia.”

“Pemain cadangan kami tidak lemah dibandingkan mereka [Bayern], hanya perekrutannya yang berbeda. Leonardo Bittencourt duduk di bangku cadangan kami, sedangkan Xherdan Shaqiri di Bayern.”

“Satu yang berharga jutaan euro, pernah bermain reguler di Liga Swiss, dan sudah tampil di Liga Champions. Sementara Bittencourt datang dari Cottbus, dan kami mendatangkannya di saat dia masih belum diizinkan mengemudikan mobil.”

Neven Subotic: Borussia Dortmund Punya Masa Depan Cerah

Bek Neven Subotic tak pernah meragukan kariernya bersama Borussia Dortmund.

Germany: Borussia Dortmund, Neven Subotic

Bek Neven Subotic mengakui keputusannya memperpanjang kontrak bersama Borussia Dortmund lantaran dia yakin, klub memiliki masa depan yang cerah.

Bek internasional Serbia itu sebetulnya masih terikat kontrak hingga 2014, namun sodoran tambahan masa bakti dari klub hingga 2016 mendatang sama sekali tidak ditampik Subotic.

"Saya sangat senang dengan tren positif yang kami lalui dalam beberapa musim terakhir," ujar Subotic di laman resmi klub.

"Saya hanya ingin melanjutkan petualangan bersama Borussia Dortmund. Ekstensi kontrak bagi setiap pemain sangat memiliki peranan krusial. Saya ingin melihat tim membuat keputusan seperti saya," tandasnya.

Pemain berusia 24 tahun itu telah mencetak dua gol dalam 15 penampilannya dengan Dortmund sepanjang musim ini.

Antonio Adan Jadi Kiper Utama Real Madrid?

Pelatih Jose Mourinho dikabarkan akan memakai jasa Antonio Adan dan menempatkan Iker Casillas di bangku cadangan.

Antonio Adán profile pic

Entrenador Real Madrid Jose Mourinho, dilaporkan siap untuk terus memakai jasa Antonio Adan seketika yang bersangkutan selesai dalam menjalani masa suspens
Dilansir Marca, Casillas sendiri masih akan diandalkan untuk pertandingan kontra Celta Vigo di ajang Copa del Rey, juga untuk melawan Osasuna sebelum akhirnya memberikan ruang bagi Adan.
Dalam hal ini, The Special One bersikeras bahwa ia ingin membuat kaptennya itu lebih termotivasi dengan adanya kompetisi di lapangan.
Selain itu, Mourinho juga berusaha keras untuk meyakinkan Adan agar tidak pergi karena ia merasa sang youngster pantas diberi kesempatan, terutama di ajang La Liga.

Xabi Alonso: Luka Modric Masih Beradaptasi

Alonso juga menegaskan bahwa Modric bisa menjadi pemain penting untuk kubu Los Blancos

Luka Modric - Real Madrid

Getty Images

Gelandang Real Madrid Xabi Alonso, tak meragukan kemampuan seorang Luka Modric sedikitpun.
Seperti diketahui, Modric terbilang gagal memenuhi ekspektasi karena hanya bermain selama 724 menit, sementara transfernya dari Tottenham begitu luar biasa, £33 juta.
“Saya tidak merasa bahwa itu adalah tekanan. Dia bermain di posisi di mana ada banyak pemain, dan ia tengah beradaptasi dengan klub dan sebuah liga yang baru,” ujar Alonso kepada para wartawan.
“Saya juga membutuhkan waktu ketika saya kembali merumput di La Liga,” tambah mantan pemain Liverpool itu.
“Akan tetapi, dia sudah terintegrasi dengan sangat baik, dia adalah pria yang luar biasa dan seorang pemain hebat.
“Saya tidak meragukan bahwa ia akan menjadi pemain yang penting.”

Kemahalan, Fans City Absen Di Emirates

Saat pemilik the Citizens menghamburkan uang di bursa transfer, fans City justru mengencangkan ikat pinggang.

Manchester City fans

Manchester City dikabarkan telah mengembalikan 912 tiket dari total 3.000 yang menjadi alokasi mereka saat bertandang ke Arsenal, Minggu (13/1), karena pendukung City menolak untuk membayar harga tiket £62 untuk satu kursi di Emirates.

Sekjen Klub Suporter Manchester City Kevin Parker menyatakan, "Itulah jumlah paling mahal yang saya bisa ingat untuk suatu tiket dalam hidup saya. Itu menunjukkan klub tak sesuai dengan kenyataan. Jika suporter City ikut bus suporter, itu akan menelan biaya £30. Dengan ditambah buku program, makanan, minuman, jumlahnya bisa mencapai £125-£130 per orang."

Arsenal memang terkenal memiliki tiket termahal di Liga Primer dengan £126, sedangkan tiket termahal di Etihad hanya £58 dan termurah £26, atau sama dengan harga tiket termurah di Emirates.

Parker melanjutkan, "Ini pertama kali dalam waktu cukup lama saya mendengar penggemar City mengatakan kepada saya, mereka bisa membayar, tapi menolak untuk melakukannya. Ini keputusan berani. Tak lama lagi, fans akan memiliki suara lebih besar dan klub seperti Arsenal harus memutuskan apa yang harus dilakukan tentang harga tiket mereka..

Kurangnya fans City akhir pekan nanti mungkin menjadi suatu yang langka, karena City berhasil menarik 30.000 penonton di kandang lama Maine Road, padahal saat itu mereka bermain di divisi tiga Inggris 14 tahun silam.

Pablo Hernandez Waspadai Juan Mata

Hernandez menyebut Mata sebagai pemain berbahaya, dan harus dihentikan pada semi-final Piala Liga nanti.

Pablo Hernandez of Swansea City profile pic

Jelang laga semi-final yang mempertemukan tuan rumah Chelsea dan Swansea City di ajang Piala Liga, Kamis (10/1) dinihari nanti, Pablo Hernandez mewaspadai potensi ancaman yang bisa timbul dari seorang Juan Mata.
Dalam hal ini, Hernandez hafal betul dengan gaya bermain serta kehebatan Mata karena keduanya pernah bersama saat masih di Valencia.
“Mata adalah teman baik saya. Dia pernah menjadi rekan sekamar saya saat masih di Valencia selama dua tahun. Kami biasa makan siang dan makan malam bersama. Dia adalah pemain bagus,” ujar Hernandez seperti yang dilansir espnstar.com.
“Saya senang saya bisa bermain melawannya, serta Chelsea, tapi dia adalah pemain yang harus kami hentikan.
“Dia tidak akan mudah untuk dihentikan, tapi saya percaya pada sektor belakang Swansea.”

Andrea Pirlo Himbau Frank Lampard Ke Serie A

Pirlo menilai Lampard masih akan bersinar hingga empat tahun ke depan jika bermain di Serie A.

JFrank Lampard - Chelsea


Pemain veteran Juventus Andrea Pirlo, mengaku tak percaya ketika mengetahui Chelsea akan membiarkan Frank Lampard pergi.
Seperti diketahui, Lampard saat ini tengah bersiap untuk hengkang pada akhir musim sebagaimana The Blues enggan menawarinya kontrak baru.
Dalam hal ini, Pirlo pun menilai bahwa Lampard masih mumpuni, dengan menyebutnya sebagai pemain hebat.
“Saya hanya bisa membuat komentar akan apa yang saya lihat,” ujar Pirlo kepda televisi Amerika Serikat.
“Dan dari apa yang saya lihat, Lampard masih salah satu gelandang tengah terbaik di dunia.
“Jika ia ingin mencoba bermain di Italia, saya akan dengan senang hati menerimanya di Juventus.
“Di Italia, Frank akan dengan mudah memiliki empat tahun [berkompetisi] di level top.”

Arsenal Tantang Chelsea Untuk Dapatkan Marouane Fellaini

Arsenal dan Chelsea tengah mengamati gelandang Everton itu dengan coba mengaktifkan klausanya di angka £22 juta.

Marouane Fellaini

Getty Images

Duo klub asal London, Arsenal dan Chelsea, kini berebut target yang sama, yakni gelandang handal milik Everton Marouane Fellaini
Dikabarkan Daily Mail, Everton sendiri menolak untuk mengonfirmasi perihal usaha pengaktifan klausa £22 juta yang coba dilakukan oleh dua tim papan atas tersebut.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Fellaini menjadi incaran Chelsea untuk menggantikan peran Frank Lampard, yang akan habis kontraknya pada musim panas nanti.
Untuk urusan satu ini, The Blues sudah lama dikatikan dengan pemain internasional Belgia itu.
Di sisi lain, manajer Arsenal Arsene Wenger ingin menambah kekuatan lini tengahnya, dan berniat menjadikan Fellaini sebagai pembelian termahal yang pernah ia buat.